Friday, 12 June 2015

Personalised Pincushions

Every week I spend a day sewing with my lovely friend Julia and it's an absolute joy! It is her birthday today so I made her one of my little personalised pin cushions to go in a special handmade bag of goodies. I stitched a few little extra loves on the back...her husband Ian and her three darling boys Thomas, Joshua and Max

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Victorian Sewing Machine

A Sunday morning trip to the car boot sale for some vintage treasures resulted in the best find ever, this beautiful Victorian Jones sewing machine. My maiden name is Jones and I am a Designer with a passion for sewing so it really was just meant to be!
Florence seems to rather like it too, looks like she's made herself a new frock!

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Just So Sara's Stories

I design and draw prolifically, there isn't a day that passes when pen doesn't meet paper and what very often happens next is that drawing often comes to life as a little wooden character or a stitched picture. As I am frequently asked where I get my inspiration and as so much of my work has a narrative I decided to start sharing my stories in the hope that I can inspire, inform and hopefully make you smile and brighten up your day.